Host Your Own Event

If you or your company would like to hold your own fundraiser to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in Southeast Texas, please read through the following information and fill out the form below. We will get in touch with you to discuss your application.

Special Events and Promotions Policy

Special Events and promotions are approved by the CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Foundation President/Executive Director.

The sponsoring group must be one which will enhance and support the mission and image of the CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Foundation, hereafter referred to as the Foundation. The standards of excellence and integrity associated with the Foundation are expected to be upheld.

In order to facilitate the sponsorship of special events, the following three steps must be completed:

  1. All proposals should be outlined to the Foundation staff prior to approval.
  2. A detailed budget for each event must be prepared by the sponsoring group and submitted with the “Special Events Fact Sheet.” The financial goal of all hospital special events is that the minimum net profit will be at least 50 percent of the gross proceeds.
  3. The Special Events Accounting Sheet must be completed and returned to the Development Office upon completion of the event.

The following pertains to special events specifics:

  1. Solicitation of sponsors should be handled by the volunteer committee. Sponsor prospects must be reviewed with the Foundation staff prior to solicitation to avoid duplication of requests.
  2. The sponsoring group should be responsible for all ticket sales. If assistance from the Foundation is required for the success of the event, the extent of Foundation staff needs should be clearly delineated in writing before the event and approved by the Foundation President/Executive Director.
  3. If any promotion and/or publicity assistance by the Foundation is required, the extent of the organization’s obligation must be clearly defined. All publicity must be cleared by the Foundation staff when the Foundation’s name (logos) are used in conjunction with any event. It must be understood that the Foundation cannot guarantee media acceptance of press releases nor guarantee coverage of events by the media.
  4. The Foundation will require participants in sports, endurance and/or marathon events to sign a locally prepared waiver form.
  5. Under the 1988 IRS “Publication 1391″, the “fair market value” of items, services, or privileges must be determined and clearly stated on all advertising copy such as tickets and/or event programs. “Fair market value” is defined as the amount the item or benefit would be worth if sold to the general public. Only the amount above and beyond the “fair market value” is tax deductible.
  6. All raffles conducted by a sponsoring organization must be approved by the Foundation staff to assure they meet State of Texas regulations.
  7. The Foundation will not supply advance money to finance a special event without special approval from both the Foundation’s President/Executive Director and CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Health System.
  8. Any legal action taken by a volunteer in the name of the hospital must be approved by the Vice President of Philanthropy (i.e., filing a permit with a municipality for the event).
  9. Bank accounts in the name of the Foundation are not permitted without the written permission of the Vice President of Philanthropy, and upon approval of the Foundation President/Executive Director and CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Health System.
  10. All cause-related marketing proposals will be approved by the Foundation staff and the Foundation President/Executive Director. Participation will be based on appropriateness, opportunity for success, and methods of promotion. A preliminary agreement in writing must be made between the Foundation and organization representative guaranteeing a minimum donation to the hospital in return for the use of its’ name and reputation. (Cause-related marketing shall be exempt from the “50 percent gross proceeds rule.”)

Special Events and Promotion Fact Sheet

We’d like to thank you for your interest in CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Foundation. We request that you take a moment to give us some information concerning your organization and the proposed event. This information sheet will serve as a reference tool for the Foundation staff and will be reviewed by our committee. Thank you for your support and your consideration.

Request to Host an Event

Contact the Foundation to learn more.

42nd Annual CHRISTUS Gala
Sponsorship Opportunities

Heritage Circle – $75,000 

  • Premium seating for thirty (30)
  • Round-trip limousine service from a Southeast Texas location to the event.
  • VIP gifts for all guests
  • Hors d’oeuvres and elevated dinner menu 
  • Open bar with private waiter
  • VIP Reception for all guests
  • Two (2) full-page spreads in the event program
  • 30 tickets for night of raffle items
  • Custom branding opportunities available upon request.
  • Website Recognition

Legacy Circle – $50,000

  • Premium seating for twenty (20)
  • Round-trip limousine service from a Southeast Texas location to the event.
  • VIP gifts for all guests
  • Hors d’oeuvres and elevated dinner menu 
  • Open bar with private waiter
  • VIP Reception for all guests
  • One (1) full page ad in event program
  • 20 tickets for night of raffle items
  • Website Recognition

Chairman’s Circle – $25,000

  • Premium seating for ten (10)
  • Valet Parking Service for five (5) vehicles
  • VIP gifts for all guests
  • Hors d’oeuvres and elevated dinner menu
  • Open bar with private waiter
  • VIP Reception for all guests
  • Half page ad in event program
  • 10 tickets for night of raffle items
  • Website Recognition

President’s Circle – $15,000

  • One (1) preferred table of ten (10) 
  • Valet Parking Service for five (5) vehicles
  • Hors d’oeuvres and elevated dinner menu 
  • Open bar with private waiter
  • VIP Reception for all guests
  • Quarter page ad in event program
  • 10 tickets for night of raffle items
  • Website Recognition

Visionaries – $10,000

  • One (1) preferred table of eight (8)
  • Valet Parking Service for four (4) vehicles
  • Table wine, dinner, and dessert
  • Quarter page logo in event program
  • 8 tickets for night of raffle items
  • Website Recognition

Benefactor – $5,000

  • Table of eight (8)
  • Table wine, dinner, and dessert
  • Listing in event program
  • Website Recognition

Partner – $3,000 

  • Table of eight (8)
  • Table wine, dinner, and dessert
Underwriting Opportunities


  • Table with preferred seating for eight (8)
  • VIP Reception for eight (8)
  • Recognition as a sponsor of one of the following: VIP Reception or Social Hour
  • Table for eight (8)
  • Recognition as a sponsor of one of the following: Valet Parking Service, Photo Booths, Watercolor Artist
  • Shared table seating for four (4)
  • Recognition as a sponsor of one of the following: Bid Paddles, Golf carts, Coffee Bar